Thank you for putting together this investigation, it's something that we at Fleawar have been discussing internally for awhile but never had the opportunity to consolidate all the evidence.

One of the interesting links to be made here is the link between how the US federal government has been using psywar and MKULTRA techniques to create "terrorists" for many decades going all the way back to PHOENIX program experiments on New Afrikan prisoners during the 60's and 70's.

We see the more widespread version of this today how the US used torture and psychological control in prisons such as Abu Ghraib to create ISIS agents. The MKO learned the same strategies from the CIA during the 90's and it seems likely that the US has found a way to activate certain individuals domestically without having to resort to the same kinds of extreme methods utilized in the torture camps. In a society saturated with culture war and ultra-violence, it isn't particularly difficult for a federal agency to push an individual the rest of the way.

As you point out, these attacks are exceptionally profitable to every aspect of government. It would be an interesting follow up to see how these attacks are also profitable for monopoly capital. Such a discussion is of course taboo though.

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How Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) recruited suicide bombers, according to a Navy SEAL and senior chief in the book "The Sheriff of Ramadi":

“Those SOBs go out and recruit kids to do this. Our interrogators were able to get the whole story (from captured AQI recruits). One of them had been sexually abused as a young boy and was told the only way he could reclaim his family honor was to die for Allah in this manner. The senior AQI leaders - the foreigners - won’t do this themselves. They get others to do it. They prey upon kids, young boys and girls who are insecure or have some psychological disorder. Some of them have severe learning disabilities...”

Sound familiar?

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I remember a deep dive Raddx Vernum of The Patriot Soapbox did that uncovered the shrink that was treating the Sandy Hook shooter was also treating and prescribing meds to one of the FL shooters. Pretty sure it was either the Pulse Nightclub, or the Parkland shooter.

Raddx does some amazing deep dives, and I'm sure she'd know right where that DD is at.

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I followed this account on twitter. Glad to see it on substack. I’m nearly 2 months off twitter.

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Any idea who "red" is? From Whitmer plot.

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"Individual federal agents receive adulation and career advancement when they orchestrate plausible-looking attacks and then stop them at the last"minute—a dangerous game that can obviously spin out of control quickly. "

Tom Clancy and his consequences.

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